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Investors may face uncertainties in their investment journey, as financial markets will likely stay volatile with heightened recession risks in 2023.
Our proprietary Risk-First Approach ensures that investors understand their risk appetite as the starting point in their wealth journey, before considering the returns they would like to achieve. This way, investors avoid taking excessive risks in their journey towards their financial goals.
Protect the wealth you have worked hard to accumulate, then Build and Enhance your wealth with the appropriate asset allocation.
Optimal portfolios are recommended according to your Client Risk Profile (CRP). A maximum of 45% is allocated to higher risk Tactical investing while the rest is anchored in Core investing.
Core allocations are relatively lower risk in nature, yet able to generate reasonable returns. They tend to be less volatile than the broader market to help investors meet longer-term financial goals. By nature, they are less dependent on market cycles and can provide regular income. They tend to be diversified across asset classes, sectors and regions.
An allocation to Core solutions helps to lower downside volatility which is much needed during challenging markets.
Tactical allocations are higher-risk in nature and focus on capturing targeted, short-term opportunities. These aim for capital growth but can also incorporate income.
Our VTAR framework focuses on analysing large volumes of financial data in the four components of Value, Trend, Activity and Risk (VTAR). This framework provides a holistic view of financial markets and identifies investment opportunities across asset classes, sectors, geographical regions and time periods.
The UOB Personal Financial Services Investment Committee examines these insights based on market and asset class views from our Chief Investment Officer, in tandem with key risks and comes to a consensus to determine the attractiveness of each potential investment idea.
Purpose | Common Indicators | |
Value | Identifying investments with attractive valuations and earnings potential. | • Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) • Earnings Growth (EPS Growth) • Option-Adjusted Spreads (OAS) |
Trend | Understanding the trend of the investment. | • Simple Moving Averages (MAs) • Relative Strength Indicator (RSI) • Fund flows |
Activity | Understanding the macro environment and business activities that may affect performance. | • Central bank policies • Composite Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) • Industrial Production (IP) and Retail Sales |
Risk | Identifying key market risks and potential mitigating factors. | • Geopolitical events • Industry- or region-specific events • News flows |
Value |
Trend |
Activity |
Risk |
Our award-winning VTAR framework focuses on analysing large volumes of financial data in the four components of Value, Trend, Activity and Risk (VTAR). This framework provides a holistic view of financial markets and identifies investment opportunities across asset classes, sectors, geographical regions and time periods.
The UOB Personal Financial Services Investment Committee examines these insights based on market and asset class views from our Chief Investment Officer, in tandem with key risks, and comes to a consensus to determine the attractiveness of each potential investment idea.
The information contained in this publication is given on a general basis without obligation and is strictly for information purposes only. This publication is not intended to be, and should not be regarded as, an offer, recommendation, solicitation or advice to buy or sell any investment or insurance product and shall not be transmitted, disclosed, copied or relied upon by any person for whatever purpose. Any description of investment or insurance products, if any, is qualified in its entirety by the terms and conditions of the investment or insurance product and if applicable, the prospectus or constituting document of the investment or insurance product. Nothing in this publication constitutes accounting, legal, regulatory, tax, financial or other advice. If in doubt, you should consult your own professional advisers about issues discussed herein.
The information contained in this publication, including any data, projections and underlying assumptions, are based on certain assumptions, management forecasts and analysis of known information and reflects prevailing conditions as of the date of the publication, all of which are subject to change at any time without notice. Although every reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and objectivity of the information contained in this publication, United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd. (“UOB”) and its employees make no representation or warranty of any kind, express, implied or statutory, and shall not be responsible or liable for its completeness or accuracy. As such, UOB and its employees accept no liability for any error, inaccuracy, omission or any consequence or any loss/damage howsoever suffered by any person, arising from any reliance by any person on the views expressed or information contained in this publication.
Any opinions, projections and other forward looking statements contained in this publication regarding future events or performance of, including but not limited to, countries, markets or companies are not necessarily indicative of, and may differ from actual events or results. The information herein has no regard to the specific objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any specific person. Investors may wish to seek advice from an independent financial advisor before investing in any investment or insurance product. Should you choose not to seek such advice, you should consider whether the investment or insurance product in question is suitable for you.
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